The First Post!


It's my very first blog post. I must say, I'm very proud of myself. It's only taken me months (okay, maybe years) to get here.

Hours upon hours of searching Pinterest for inspiration. Everything's so damn cute on Pinterest, you know? And everyone has "tips" and "freebies" for the BEST BLOG EVER. Because evidently if you want anyone to read you blog it has to be cute, right? And it has to be DIY. I mean what kind of person doesn't DIY, anyway. Obviously smart people that want to save time and don't feel the need to reinvent the wheel (wish I was one of those, but, alas, that's not the way of the Virgo).  

Well, I've spent days  researching HTML and CSS code to personalize my blog to my taste. Just to realize I have no idea what my freakin taste really is. A few trial-and-error header designs. And now here I am. On a blog. Finally.

Now, what the heck do I write about?

Health, fitness and life, I guess. I mean, it's what I love. It's what I know.  And it's kinda implied from the title, right?  It's just so funny that I live, eat and breathe fitness. I spend countless hours at the gym training clients and teaching classes. I could talk for days about the anatomy of a squat. But give me a pen and tell me to write about it and I'm stumped. I mean, what do people want to know? Ask me a question and I can answer it. But to start from scratch...hmmm...this should be interesting. 


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